Seth Homolka Endzone System

Seth Homolka Endzone System


Seth Homolka Endzone System 3rd Generation

Seth Homolka endzone 3rd generation system is a 23ft system, It is made out of aluminum pole and metal quadpod, it is durable, and easy to carry.  The system will withstand high winds, and does not need guy wires(like the first generation).  The system comes with everything you need to record

from high in the air.  Some of the features;

  • 19in hd screen, with long lasting durable battery
  • hd camera, comes with extended battery
  • lighted camera control 
  • seated recording
  • quick set up time(less than five minutes)
  • carrying case that holds all the essentials and more
  • everything to the field in one load
  • rain gear
  • 23ft telescopic pole
  • works with hudl endzone
You will get all of this for $1899

Sony HD Handycam Camera Endzone system

Order online,$1899 + shipping $150

Also all inventory can be purchased on a school approved PO or by check just contact me at

Sony 4K Camera Endzone system

Order online,$2399 + shipping $150

Also all inventory can be purchased on a school approved PO or by check just contact me at

 Easy carry case, and easy carry tower.

 Filmers view from the endzone, controllers will be in hand.  Two controllers, one for pan and tilt, and the other to controll camera.

The camera is a hd camera that will record in 1080p.  The rain gear will cover the camera and the 19in screen.  The 19in screen, features hd viewing, and a 8 hour battery.